Stay kinetic

Steamy Tech
Steamy Tech is at
Clockwork Alchemy 2023
April 7-9
You can see us at..
The Artists' Bazaar
Friday - 1-7pm
Saturday - 10am-6pm
Sunday - 10am-4pm
Workshops and Panels - Register Today!
You gotta get a gimmick! - Friday 1-2pm -
​Lady and Professor Steam will present their favorite tips and tricks for makers.
Connect 1 (2nd Floor)
Make a Steampunk Octopus Coaster with Steamy Tech - Friday 4-6pm -
It's a brand-new product and there are a limited number of seats. There is a $20 materials fee. You can register for the session here or join us at the show.
Experience your own Maker Night Experience.
Synergy 1 (2nd Floor)
The Great Steamy Tech Scrap Mountain Build-Off - Saturday 10am-12:30pm
Join the fun and compete for fame and prizes​
Connect 3 (2nd Floor)
It's Story Time with Lady Steam - Sunday 11am-12pm
Here about the origins of Steamy Tech and how we made it to 10 years​.
Connect 1 (2nd Floor)